
Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia

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The article focuses on the conditions of formation of intercultural communications as a specific form of interaction in foreign audience by an example of the Chinese contingent. The paper aims to show the specificity of preBuniversity training of the Chinese students at Russian higher education institution and to give recommendations to teachersBexperts. While modeling of pedagogical situations it is necessary to reckon with national mentality of foreign pupils and define a number of pedagogical conditions to ensure an intercultural dialogue in a foreign audience including theoretical knowledge of teachers working with foreign audience in the field of ethnopsychology and ethnopedagogics and their psychoBpedagogical preparation. Skills and abilities of intercultural communication facilitate students’ adaptation to a new cultural environment and promote their further studying at Russian university.

About the Authors

Natalia Yu. Filimonova
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian Federation

Elena S. Romanyuk
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian Federation


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2. Filimonova N.Yu., Romanyuk E.S. (2009) Organizatsiya professional’no-pedagogicheskogo obshcheniya pri formirovanii osnov mezhkul’turnoy kommunikatsii v usloviyakh rossiyskogo vuza: monografiya [The organization of professionalBpedagogical dialogue at formation of basis of intercultural communications in the conditions of Russian higher school: the monograph]. Volgograd: VolgGTU Publ., 190 p. (In Russ.)

3. Rykova S.A., Kirisheva I.E. (2013) [Sociocultural and personal features of socialization of foreign students (on an example of the Chinese students of the Vladivostok state university of economy and service)]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [The Modern problems of science and education]. No. 1. Available at: 107B8523 (In Russ.)

4. Filimonova N.Yu., Romanyuk E.S., Tulupnikova T.Yu., Shchukina N.V. (2008) Osobennosti raboty so studentami-inostrantsami iz stran Afriki, Azii, Blizhnego Vostoka, Latinskoy Ameriki (dovuzovskiy etap): ucheb. posobie [The Peculiarities of work with foreign students from the countries of Africa, Asia, the Near East, Latin America (preBuniversity stage)]. Volgograd: VolgGTU Publ., 80 p.

5. Malevich I.A. (2001) Vnimanie, Kitay [Attention, China]. Moscow: AST Publ., 320 p.

6. Yurkevich A.G. (2010) Problemy obucheniya kitayskih studentov v Rossii [The Problems of teaching of the Chinese students in Russia]. Available at: (In Russ.)

7. Filimonova N.Yu., Romanyuk E.S. (2013) [Formation of intercultural dialogue in groups of the Chinese students]. Kitayskie, v’etnamskie, mongol’skie migranty v akademicheskoy srede: Kollektivnaya monografiya [Chinese, Vietnamese, Mongolian migrants in the academic environment: the Collective monograph]. Tomsk: TPU Publ., 418 p. (In Russ.)


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ISSN 0869-3617 (Print)
ISSN 2072-0459 (Online)