- Anatoly A. ALEXANDROV – Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Prof., Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, President of Technical Universities Association, bauman@bmstu.ru,
- Michael E. AUER – PhD, Prof., President of IGIP, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria), president@igip.org,m.auer@cti.ac.at,
- Dendev BADARCH – Dr., Director of the Division of Social Transformations and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO, France, d.badarch@unesco.org,
- Erik de GRAAF – Prof., Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Editor-in-chief of the “European Journal of Engineering Education”, degraaff@plan.aau.dk,
- Alexander O. GRUDZINSKY – PhD, Prof., Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, member of the working group on Bologna Process at the Ministry of Education and Science of RF, aog@unn.ru,
- Vladimir D. NECHAEV - Doctor in Political Science, associate professor, Rector of Sevastopol State University. vdnechaev@rambler.ru
- Baatar OCHIRBAT – PhD, Prof., Rector of Mongolian University of Science and Technology, baatar@must.edu.mn
- Vyacheslav M. PRIKHOD'KO – Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Prof., Corr. Member of RAS, State Technical University – MADI, President of RMC IGIP, rector@madi.ru,
- Nanqi REN – Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology, Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU), Permanent Secretariat of Chinese part, asrtu@hit.edu.cn,
- Viktor A. SADOVNICHY – Dr. Sci. (Physics), RAS Academician, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, President of the Russian Rectors' Union, info@rector.msu.ru,
- Phillip A. SANGER – PhD, Full Professor, Executive Director of Center for Accelerating Technology and Innovation, College of Technology, Purdue University, psanger@purdue.edu, phillip.sanger@gmail.com,
- Vladimir A. ZERNOV – Dr. Sci. (Physics), Prof., Rector of Russian New University, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Non-Governmental Universities, rector@rosnou.ru,
- Mykhailo Z. ZHUROVSKY – Dr.Sci. (Engineering), Prof., Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Academician of NAN of Ukraine, zgurovsm@hotmail.com